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About Us

We’re here for the community.

Codington Connects is a collaborative effort to improve communication and promote resiliency for all community members. We strive to ensure you can locate and learn more about the resources and events that are happening within the community.

A System of Care

Codington Connects was created in 2023 by the Codington County Social Services Advisory Council. Our mission is to build a system of care through collaborations across agencies, families, and individuals for the purpose to identify and improve social services that meet the needs of Codington County residents.
Through strategic planning, the Codington County Social Services Advisory Council has identified five priority areas: childcare, housing, community transformation, mental health, and centralized services and education.  


  • Housing: Develop safe, affordable housing that meets community needs including emergency & transitional housing 
  • Mental Health: Create an environment that informs, encourages, and supports mental health wellness. 
  • Community Transformation: Build a support network for all residents that builds life skills & relationships across the community 
  • Centralized Services & Education: Establish a centralized system of care that supports residents in need with services provided in a cohesive manner before, during, & after a crisis 
  • Childcare: Explore opportunities to offer adequate, safe childcare 
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Get Involved

  • Learn about and share area resources. 
  • Attend a training session or event. 
  • Provide our rack card to staff and/or add it to public brochure holders. Contact us for a bundle.
  • Become a member (form below).

Our Members

Members of Codington Connects commit to: 
  • Providing caring and compassionate services,
  • support efforts to prevent childhood maltreatment and take the resiliency pledge,
  • commit to staff participating in one trauma/mental health training a year,
  • and register with the Helpline Center (if eligible).

Our Members

Resilient Community

Our hard work earned the designation of being a Resilient Community! To earn this designation the Codington County Social Services Advisory Council worked with SD Resilient Communities. 

SD Resilient Communities was created by the Center for the Prevention of Child Maltreatment at the University of South Dakota School of Health Sciences, along with its partner organizations, to help address factors that put children at risk for childhood maltreatment. 

It creates an environment that is trauma informed so community members understand the effects of experiencing childhood maltreatment. The process identifies existing resources that can be used to strengthen prevention and increases a community’s capacity to collaborate across sectors.